States are required to arrange for an effective quality control system (security audits, tests, surveys, and inspections) to be conducted on a regular basis, to verify compliance with a national civil aviation security program and to provide corrective actions and enhancement of deficiencies.

Depending on the clients need, this service may include the analysis, development, enhancement, establishment, identification, promotion and revision of:  

Quality Control

National Quality Control Workshop or Civil Aviation Security Inspector's Certification Course; Airport Audit, Air Carrier Inspection, Airport Survey and Security Test to determine its compliance level of their National Civil Aviation Security Program; legal authority; Confidential System; Advanced Covert Testing System; Administrative and Civil Penalty Protocols; Compliance and Enforcement Classification, Corrective Action Plans to identify areas previously detected during an audit needing enhancement, Schedule of Monitoring Activities and Report Writing using modern technology devices. 

Security Management System

Integration of Security Management System (SeMS); reinforcement of security culture through a robust Training Awareness Program, threat-based managed approach, focus on a performance based system, effective partnerships, collaboration and cooperation, integration of Human Factor performance to reduce the significance of human error. 

The Associates have vast  experience of institutional knowledge in Quality Control and Security Management System using a common sense approach with best practices to develop a proactive system or enhance a system already in place.